EASE OBD-2 Software & Tools
HPower is now the sole Australian Agent for EASE Diagnostic Equipment from the U.S.A.
Providing your vehicle is OBD-2 compatible you can use your PC or Laptop to diagnose codes stored in the vehicle ECM/PCM.
All new vehicles must be OBD-2 compatible.
Imported vehicles from about 2002 onwards should be compatible and Australian manufactured vehicles from about 2004 should be compatible. Check with the manufacturer or ask us before purchasing, but most of the Chrysler, Toyota, Lexus, GMH, Ford and Honda cars in the Australian market are compatible.
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Honda CVT Clutch Calibration OBD Switch
The start clutch of Honda cars equipped with CVT transmissions must be calibrated at regular intervals, and after any loss of battery power. Normally, this procedure is performed by your Honda dealer using the Honda HDS Calibrator. However, the calibration can also be performed by any mechanic using this manual short connector if they follow a simple procedure which is included in the kit. This kit includes instructions for both Jazz and Civic models.
This OBD short connector can also be used to retrieve some fault codes from the CAN System in Honda vehicles and some engine management and transmission fault codes, which are then displayed on the dash console.
If you require further information, specifications or pricing please contact Bill Finnegan
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